BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions |
The AMEdmItemsUI object provides common implementations for commands issued by client application.
IAMEdmItemsUIPersist interface
IAMEdmItemsUICommands interface
The sample code below demonstrates how to use an AMEdmItemsUI object.
AMEdmItemsUI is a client-side object. Before it can be used, it must be initialized with a reference to the hosting client application.
The InvokeEDMUICommand procedure can be used to invoke a built-in command on the EDMUI client library from a UIExtension command.
The command argument should be a value from the AMEDMITEMS_VERBS constants (for example, AMIV_CREATEDRAFT).
Note To find AMEDMITEMS_VERBS in the object browser, you need to select Show Hidden Members.
Public Sub InvokeEDMUICommand( _
dsg As IAMUIExtensionDesigner, _
ByVal CurrentObject As Object, _
ByVal hwnd As Long)
On Error GoTo error_handler
' Create the AMEdmItemsUI instance
Dim ui As New AMEdmItemsUI
Dim menu As IAMEdmItemsUIMenu
Dim pers As IAMEdmItemsUIPersist
' Initialize the AMEdmItemsUI object
Set pers = ui
pers.Init CurrentObject, 0, dsg.GetHostService(SERVICE_PROVIDER)
' Invoke the command on the IAMEdmItemsUIMenu interface
Set menu = pers
menu.InvokeCommand hwnd, command
Set menu = Nothing
Set pers = Nothing
Set ui = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
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